Products I Use

Carnivore/Lion Diet Health Products

Stone and Spear- Stone and Spear has so many great options for natural moisturization of the body using Tallow as their main ingredient. This means no more toxic chemicals to hurt your body’s skin.

Fuller Health- This company run by Mikhaila Peterson (started the Lion diet) has developed a way for people to breakdown the toxic byproduct produced by alcohol metabolism. Say goodbye to that nasty hang over with the after-party pill.

Products Helping in My Walk With Jesus

Crazy Love- This book has grown my love for The Father, by showing me the ways in which he has put so much detail into the world and myself.

Case for Christ- This book goes in detail about the proof of Jesus. It answers the questions we all are thinking about His miraculous life.

The New Greek/English Interlinear NT- This book allows you to read The Bible plainly while it conveys the original Greek ideas.

The Great Divorce- C.S. Lewis gives us an unmatched level of insight into our own thoughts as Christians.

Books on Carnivore/Lion Diet

Change Your Diet Change Your Mind- Descriptive of the massive role diet has on mental health.

Lies My Doctor Told Me- Challenges you to question everything about the healthcare system.

The Carnivore Cure- Very detailed book in how the Carnivore diet is optimal for everyone, and the healing benefits that come along with it. Also breaks down the harms of other substances like sugars, dyes, etc.

The Big Fat Surprise- Teaches the truth about fat and how it is healthy and necessary to eat it.

The Iodine Crisis- This helps to bring understanding around the toxins in our environment and what they are doing to us. Iodine fights the toxins therefore it is essential. (I take 10 drops a day of Lugol’s 2%).

Good Fat is Good for Women: Menopause- Dr, Elizabeth Bright helps us to understand the importance of menopause not being a terrible occurrence, but that it should be something that peacefully comes as our bodies change.

Good Fat is Good for Girls- Dr. Elizabeth Bright shares why fat is essential in puberty and throughout all our lives.

The Carnivore Diet- Dr. Shawn Baker guides us through the carnivore diet and all the benefits of turning completely to meat and fat.